United States intelligence officials have reported that China’s military is in the process of constructing a significant complex in western Beijing, which is anticipated to function as a wartime command center that exceeds the Pentagon in scale.

Satellite imagery analyzed by the Financial Times reveals a construction site spanning approximately 607 hectares, located 30 kilometers southwest of Beijing.

This site features deep excavations that military experts believe will accommodate large, fortified bunkers designed to shelter Chinese military leadership during conflicts, including the possibility of nuclear warfare.


Several current and former officials from the United States have indicated that the intelligence community is closely monitoring this development,

which is projected to be the largest military command center globally, potentially ten times larger than the Pentagon. An assessment of the satellite imagery suggests that significant construction commenced in mid-2024.

Informants familiar with the project have referred to it as “Beijing Military City.”

If the US military assessment is correct the site would be the world’s largest military command centre — and at least 10 times the size of the Pentagon.

According to the analysis, major construction began at the site, dubbed the “Beijing Military City”, in mid-2024 and comes as the People’s Liberation Army develops new weapons and projects ahead of the force’s 2027 centenary.


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