Sexuality is a complex aspect of human identity, influenced by a wide range of biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors.
It is not simply about sexual orientation or behavior but encompasses desires, attractions, emotional connections, and personal experiences that can change over time.
People’s understanding of their own sexuality can be fluid and influenced by their environment, upbringing, societal norms, and individual life experiences.
Cultural expectations, religious beliefs, and social pressures can further complicate one’s expression of sexuality, often leading to inner conflicts or confusion.
Cue symbiosexualism. Love triangles have been a staple part of narratives throughout storytelling history, but scientists now believe that this has influenced an entirely new sexuality.
A new study by researchers at Seattle University has identified that ‘symbiosexual’ people are attracted to the energy between established couples rather than between themselves and one other person, bringing a whole new meaning to the more, the merrier.
This type of sexuality is described as “attraction to the energy, multidimensionality, and power shared between people in relationships,” as per a definition provided by the Archives of Sexual Behavior when discussing a previous 2023 study titled ‘The Pleasure Study.’
The study, which surveyed 373 participants about aspects of their sexual and gender identity, also found that a large portion of participants in the study actually felt romantic and sexual attraction to the “synergy” of a third person being thrown into the mix. And in a world filled with open relationships and sexual freedom, we’re not surprised.