Russell Brand is selling a “magical amulet” to protect from “evil energies” for $240 a piece and people are baffled.

In 2023, a joint investigation by Channel 4’s Dispatches program and The Times and the Sunday Times accused Brand of rape, assault, and emotional abuse. Brand denies the allegations.

Since the allegations emerged, the 49-year-old has undergone some major life changes, becoming a Christian influencer and appearing to make his money by advertising some bizarre products.


In a TikTok that has gone viral, Brand was advertising for the company Aires Tech which sells amulets that claim to offer “protection against 5G technology” and, as Brand claimed, “corrupting signals”. The former comedian was flogging the Lifetune Flex amulet which sells for $239.99.

Brand said in the clip: “As you know, airports are places full of Wi-Fi and all sorts of evil energies. Think of all the phones out there, all of the signals – corruptible and corrupting. “Luckily, I wear this magical amulet from Aires Tech that keeps me safe from all of the various signals out there.”

He continued: “You should get one as well, particularly if you’re planning to go to an airport any time soon because the bloody things are full of lethal signals.”

It didn’t take long for people to comment on social media. One wrote: “Russell Brand, now a Christian, wears a ‘magic amulet’. The Christians, of course, huge fans of magic.”

Someone else argued: “This is a sketch Russell Brand would’ve made 20 years ago to savagely mock the kind of huckster/charlatan he has now become.

“Performance-wise he’s NAILING this character’s seething loathing for the audience, but it’s telling that he’s not even trying to make us believe he believes.”


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