(OPINION) A leading surgeon has warned that “extremely aggressive” cancers with a “different biology” are rapidly forming, spreading, and mutating into “never seen before” forms of the deadly disease in people who have been “vaccinated” for Covid.

Dr. James Royle is a colorectal and general surgeon who has been working as a consultant for the UK government’s National Health Service (NHS) for 9 years

Royle has spoken out to describe what he and his team have been witnessing among patients who received Covid mRNA injections.

“Cancers being observed are in all ages,” he revealed.

“It is my assertion, shared by many expert oncologists and clinical colleagues around the world, that the cancers we are seeing are extremely aggressive and they are of a different biology.”

However, Royle asserted that it’s not just cancers that are surging among the Covid-vaxxed.

“Post-vaccine boosters, I’ve observed what seem to be a lot of sudden deaths from necrotising pancreatitis,” he revealed.

Dr. Royle raised the alarm during a speech before attendees of a summit held in Stormont, Northern Ireland.

Members of The People’s Vaccine Inquiry (PVI) team travelled to Belfast to attend a meeting for Covid vaccine-injured and family members of those killed by mRNA injections in Stormont.

The event took place in Northern Ireland’s Parliament Building.

While in Belfast, the PVI team convened The Stone Summit in Stormont.

The Summit was named after Dr. Jackie Stone.

Stone was a brave doctor who suffered persecution for upholding her ethical principles.

She was persecuted by the authorities and unjustly stripped of her medical licence for questioning the Covid “vaccines.”

Stone used ivermectin to completely eliminate COVID-19 in Zimbabwe but was smeared as a “conspiracy theorist” and accused of “spreading disinformation” when she shared her findings.

This battle took a terrible toll on her and, tragically, she took her own life earlier this month.

Dr. Royle was one of the leading experts who gave a presentation at Stormont.

In the fourth session of The Stone Summit, Royle discussed the unusual cases of pulmonary thrombosis observed in colorectal cancer follow-up patients.

He explained the correlation between mRNA covid injections and an increase in cancer cases, and the alarming rise of aggressive multi-site cancer recurrences, particularly in younger patients.

Royle also addressed the challenges that doctors and surgeons face in voicing their concerns.

He revealed that, after the Covid shots were rolled out for public use, his “elective cancer mortality rate went from one death in my first five years as a consultant to six mortalities within 30 days – five non-covid, three of these sudden cardiac deaths.”


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