(OPINION) The Star Wars fandom has been given a first official look at the lives of the clone troopers behind the suit, so to speak.

Among the first of the stories it’ll tell is that of Sister.

Initially, all of the clone troopers looked the same – hence the name. However, after the transition to stormtroopers, the people behind the mask became more varied.


But Sister’s story comes from the time of the clones.

Star Wars fans may not be familiar with Sister, but her character isn’t new. That said, this will be the first time we’ve properly gotten to know and see her.

The Secrets of the Clone Troopers will include Sister’s story, as well as many others.

According to Twitter account Star Wars Holocron, Rex, who fans will know well, gives a description of Sister.

It reads, “When one of our kind expressed her gender identity differently than her fellow troopers, she figured she’d have to hide who she truly was inside.

“Fortunately, her brothers in the seventh Sky Corps gave her the name Sister as a constant reminder that she belonged.”

You’d think that this first look at Sister would be a joyous occasion for Star Wars fans, but it seems that some of them don’t know what joy is.

“This can’t be real. Gotta be a parody… there is no freaking way!” exclaimed @AI_EmeraldApple.

User @pausesosa asked, “What happened to the franchise I love.”

Some of the comments are too grim to share, though the two mentioned above paint a disheartening enough picture.

Fortunately, not all of the Star Wars fandom feel this way.

“That’s pretty damn cool!” said @Spartan_Tano.

Not only are fans supporting Sister, but they’re also here to remind those trying to tear her down that the character isn’t a new creation from Disney.

As detailed on the Star Wars fan wiki, and backed up by multiple fans, Sister first appeared in Queen’s Hope.

This “first look” is in relation to seeing an illustration of her, not of her existence.

If Sister’s story doesn’t interest you, that’s totally fine, just move on to one that does.



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