(OPINION) A majority of practicing Christians, including pastors, admit to viewing pornography and a large share say they are comfortable with the habit, a new study has found.

In Barna’s recently released researched report, Beyond the Porn Phenomenon, produced in partnership with Pure Desire Ministries, researchers found that pornography use is so prevalent among all demographics and the gap in use among Christians and non-Christians, as well as men and women, has grown narrower over the last eight years.

Even though practicing Christians were still found to view pornography less frequently than non-Christians, the gap between the two groups was only 14 percentage points. Some 54% of Christians reported viewing pornography compared with 68% of non-Christians.


In general, 75% of Christian men and 40% of Christian women reported consuming porn on some level.

“Despite the Church’s stance against lust generally, it seems little progress has been made to deter many of those who fill the pews from pornography consumption specifically,” researchers said. “The gap between professed beliefs and actual behavior raises questions about the efficacy of current approaches within faith communities.”

The study noted that in the last eight years since the report was first published, the rapid shift in the cultural and digital landscape has compounded the issues in the Church with pornography and unwanted sexual behavior.

“Beyond the Porn Phenomenon represents a sobering call to realize our collective struggle has not improved, in spite of some initial steps to bring health to the Church.

The average Christian is not experiencing freedom in this area — 75 percent of Christian men and 40 percent of Christian women report that they are viewing pornography at least occasionally,” Nick Stumbo, executive director of Pure Desire Ministries, said, noting that the statistics for pornography use among today’s youngest adults, Gen Z, “are even worse.”

“What may be more troubling is that well over half of Christians who use porn say they are comfortable with their porn use. The reality for those who struggle in the Church is that they, too, often feel like they are alone.

When asked, ‘Who is helping you with your struggle with pornography,’ a staggering 82 percent of Christians say ‘no one.’ Isolation is the enemy’s playground,” Stumbo said.

The Pure Desire Ministries leader said the Church needs to be the place where people can get free from the troubling habit so many Christians have now accepted.

Some 62% of individuals surveyed in the study, in general, expressed comfort with their level of porn consumption. Another 16% said they had some reservations about it, but said they find moderate levels of use acceptable. This group still wished they did not use pornography as frequently.

The study further highlighted how comfortable people have become with pornography as only 14% expressed a desire to kick the habit entirely.


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