Trump and Harris’ safety from increased gunmen cannot be guaranteed by the US Secret Service. Biden demands more help for the US Secret Service following Sunday’s second attempt on Trump’s life. US and British intelligence sources have stated that the US Secret Service cannot guarantee it will be able to stop more shootings, like the two apparent assassination attempts involving Donald Trump.

Law enforcement sources from both sides of the Atlantic warned that the US agency was unable to handle the size of the threat posed to both presidential campaigns by the aggressive social media rhetoric and the ease with which firearms can be purchased.

A would-be gunman set up shop in the bushes around President Trump’s Florida golf club on Sunday, marking his second attempt at assassination in as many months. A gun barrel sticking out of the foliage was noticed by a Secret Service agent watching a hole ahead of Mr. Trump, who then opened fire. After one suspect was later found about 40 miles away from the scene, the FBI officially launched an investigation into the assassination.


According to a US intelligence source, there is a growing number of people who are incited to attack political figures they disagree with on social media by rhetoric that encourages violence with no end in sight. They claimed that the threat pattern continues to be the rise of individual actors who are not affiliated with any specific traditional ideology or organization. These people can use technology and weapons in an attack with relative ease.

The US Secret Service is not equipped to follow every crazy narrative on the internet, so they must rely on other US agencies, they warned, citing the rise in aggression fueled by social media. The source cautioned that as the election campaign went on, this created opportunities for radicalized lone actors to evade detection and launch more copycat attacks on politicians.

The Secret Service of the United States finds itself targeted with a more frequent number of attempts on US presidential candidates, like Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. This is so due to political rhetoric and conviction that should a candidate win freedom, democracy will be eliminated. The shooting at Trump’s golf course occurred in the backdrop of a leaked internal report of the US Secret Service pointing to weaknesses that were observed in the earlier attempt on the former president’s life.


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