According to a report given by Pastor Greg Locke, his home was sprayed with bullets from an automatic weapon, but thankfully, no one was injured in the incident.

According to Locke, ” A madman unloaded an entire magazine of bullets from an automatic weapon into his home, garage, and truck. He further stated that detectives would continue with an investigation and would be pulling footage from a security camera.

Locke sated: “Only one of our kids was home and thank God not in the same area of the house. As you can see in the last pics, one of the bullets cut through the headboard of our youngest daughter’s bed and lodged in her pillow.


We are all being security escorted to a hotel tonight. We have no further details. The only detail that matters is that Psalm 91 is true and GOD PROTECTED US IN UNIMAGINABLE AND SUPERNATURAL WAYS. Please pray for the Locke family tonight. We love all of you”.


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