Veteran extraterrestrial lobbyist Steve Bassett told The Sun it was clear the Catholic Church knew about UFOs and likely has documented evidence hidden in their archives.

He believes the Catholic Church even thinks ETs are “important” and the institution has hinted at their existence in religious paintings.

He said: “The Catholic Church, we have always known, has been aware of this subject going back perhaps hundreds and hundreds of years.


“It’s gone so far as to say whoever these beings are, they [the Church] would be happy to baptize them if they wanted to be baptized.”

He said “extraordinary” information sits locked away in the Vatican Library and archives about the church’s knowledge through the centuries.

“But they [researchers] can’t prove that for obvious reasons.”

Bassett’s comments come after David Grusch’s bombshell claims last about extraterrestrial life last year.

Grusch told a Congressional hearing that the US possesses fully intact and pieces of “craft” of “non-human origin”.

But the former Air Force intelligence officer also claimed to NewsNation that Italy had uncovered one of those UFOs during Mussolini’s reign in 1933.

He claimed that the then-Pope Pius XII had “backchannelled” it to US president Franklin Roosevelt who “ended up scooping” up the craft.

Bassett said Grusch’s “striking” claims “surprised” many believers and activists who had never heard of the story.

He said evidence so far was “paltry” and that investigation was going to be needed into the claims.

“As far as I know, there have been many, many books written on the research of this phenomena and it’s the first time I’d ever heard about this potential crash in ’33.”

It would prove the US government knew about extraterrestrial life long before the famous Roswell incident in 1947, he said.

But the Executive Director of the Paradigm Research Group doesn’t doubt that Grusch claim could be true.

Extraterrestrial experts are now trying to access the Vatican Apostolic Archives and reveal the information.

But, they’ll need to be granted access by the Holy See – the church’s supreme governing body – to search through a whopping 50 miles and thousands of years of records to prove the claims.

Bassett said eventually the church would allow researchers in, but it likely wouldn’t happen until after the US president had formally disclosed the existence of aliens.

Until then, he said some questions remained about Grusch’s claim.

“Who exactly found it? What was the process in which it finally got to us? What was the role of the Catholic Church?

“How many people in our Government even knew about it at the point that Roswell happened?

“Obviously the people at Roswell didn’t, because they put out a press release that they found a flying saucer so clearly that there was no significant impediment to putting that story out at the time.”

One of the NewsNation journalists who interviewed Grusch about the claim said the Vatican’s silence could show it was true.

The reporter said: “It’s a very difficult situation for the Vatican because if Mr Grusch is telling the truth—and I’m told he is—it’s a difficult thing for the Vatican to admit without the U.S. concurring.

“I’m told the Vatican does have a very efficient intelligence service and it’s long collaborated with intelligence services like the CIA providing useful intelligence, and especially in the wake of the Second World War.”

Author and religious professor Diana Walsh Pasulka said the Vatican archives are full of reports of paranormal events, like nuns seeing glowing orbs.

“The historical record is filled with these kinds of events, the people at the Vatican, they don’t even know where to look; it’s in their basements.”

Marco Grilli, secretary to the prefect of the archives, told Catholic News Service said he didn’t know where Grusch got his information.

Grusch told Congress in a bombshell hearing he’s “absolutely certain” that the government has unidentified aerial phenomenon in their possession.

He publicly claimed that at least ten aliens were recovered from a craft that crashed on Earth.

Grusch even alleged people had been “harmed” and “threatened” in an effort to cover up the evidence.

The Vatican Church did not respond to a request for comment.


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