Is 40 really the new 30? For those who love adventure, the answer is yes! A new survey finds that 42 is the perfect age to embark on an adventure, with over one-third of Americans (36%) saying they have an increased sense of adventure as they’ve grown older.

The Storyteller Overland-commissioned study, conducted by Talker Research, provides a fascinating glimpse into the nation’s adventurous spirit. The survey, which polled 2,000 Americans, argues that age is just a number, as the majority of respondents (83%) agreed that you can be adventurous at any stage of life.

“Looking at the data, it’s clear Americans are craving a break from their everyday routine,” says Summer Trammell, chief engagement officer at Storyteller Overland, in a statement. “Adventure doesn’t have to be anything grandiose. There is always a way to tap into that side whether it’s 20 miles or 2,000 miles away from home.”


The survey revealed that over a quarter of Americans (27%) feel they’ve fallen into a rut, with one in four respondents admitting their life is a bit boring. In fact, the average respondent fantasizes about going on an adventure four times every day, but only 10% felt they could be adventurous in their current life on any given day.

Interestingly, the data showed that respondents take fewer adventures as they get older, but the number of trips they take is still significant. The majority of baby boomers, Gen Xers, and millennials take four to five trips per year.

When asked how they’d define “an adventure,” most described it as anything outside of their daily routine and an experience (46%) that makes them appreciate life more (30%). The top three things that stir adventurous urges are a dose of warm weather (34%), seeing the same mundane surroundings every day (33%), and seeing friends and family go on trips (33%).

The findings also shed light on how Americans prefer to make it to their destination, with the majority preferring to drive (65%) and a surprising number opting for very long walks (25%). One in seven (14%) want to enjoy the scenic route and prefer a van or RV as their mode of transportation.

As for the perfect adventure, most respondents said it should last six days, with the average person willing to travel upwards of 2,700 miles for a break. Hawaii, California, Florida, Alaska, and Colorado were the top destinations on their bucket lists.


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