The new Ask Cathy AI tool is being targeted toward Christians to ask their questions about God. But is this new tool dangerous?

Ask Cathy centers on the Episcopal Church, which has become known for its left-leaning practices. Therefore, the answers someone might receive back from Cathy are fast and full of references, but not necessarily biblical truth.

Using Ask Cathy, Charisma asked Cathy questions about the gospel and salvation, marriage and heaven and hell.


When it comes to the message of the gospel, it provided solid answer, stating, “The message of the gospel, or the Good News, in the Episcopal Church centers on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ,” citing verses like John 14:6 and Acts 1:8 on the Holy Spirit.

However, when asked about marriage, it first recognized it as a covenant between a man and a woman, but it also accepted same-sex marriage as acceptable because it is within the Episcopal Church. Regardless of whether the question was asked specifically to the Episcopal Church or not, the answer was the same.

Discussing heaven and hell, the AI generator also talked about the biblical references to both, but ended by concluding: “The Episcopal Church acknowledges the mystery surrounding these concepts and encourages believers to focus on living in the light of the kingdom of heaven here and now, rather than getting bogged down in speculative details about the afterlife.”


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