When a pastor lives extravagantly, it is appropriate to ask, “How does the pastor finance his luxurious lifestyle?” Historically, America’s richest pastors obtained their wealth by authoring bestselling books. However, an increasing number of pastors are generating wealth through life coaching.

One of America’s wealthiest pastors is Keith Craft who leads Elevate Life Church in Frisco, Texas. Craft charges clients $84,000 annually to participate in his Life Mastery Mastermind.

Craft owns two houses in Texas, two vacation homes in Destin, Florida, a mountain home in Colorado, a yacht, and a Cessna 650 jet.


Trinity Foundation estimates Craft’s property holdings to be worth at least $13 million.

Before becoming a pastor and life coach, Craft recorded a Christian rock album and joined Power Team, a group of Christian bodybuilders that shared their testimonies on TV and to church audiences across the United States.

Craft is an entrepreneurial pastor having started businesses that include Servant Leadership, LLC operating Craft Yacht Charters and Kingdom Heir Aviation LLC which owns Craft’s jet. The Cessna 650 is available for charter through Trinity Private Jet Charter.

Author Nicole Crank charges $16,999 for her Inner Circle Mastermind, and that doesn’t include all the travel expenses.

Nicole Crank’s husband, David Crank, is pastor of Faith Church with campuses in Florida, Illinois and Missouri. The Cranks own a beach house mansion (over 11,000-square feet) in Ocean Ridge, Florida, worth $5.6 million, according to real estate website Zillow.

While Craft holds expensive in-person coaching sessions at a beach house or his mountain home and Crank utilizes a 15-acre retreat in Tennessee, other life coaches provide lower priced coaching online.

Hope Carpenter, wife of televangelist Ron Carpenter, charges $29 per month and the first month is free. Hope is married to televangelist Ron Carpenter who pastors Redemption Fellowship in San Jose, California, and Greenville, South Carolina.



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