Footage of a now-suspended high school principal giving and receiving a lap dance to the school’s mascot has gone viral and enraged parents. The Buhach Colony High School in Atwater, California, in the Central Valley, held a back-to-school pep rally on Friday.

However, just three days into the new school year, principal Robert Nunes found himself at the center of a social media storm as parents accused him of being inappropriate at the event.

Parent Ryan Attebery, who has a son and two daughters at the school, shared footage from the rally on Facebook which has since gone viral.


“Am I a square or was this weird af for a principal to do?” Attebery wrote in the caption.

The accompanying video saw the school’s mascot Thor take off the principal’s hat and throw it away – before twerking in front of him as students cheered.

Nunes leaned back in the office chair, exposing his bare stomach with his half-buttoned shirt.

The principal appeared to enjoy the dance before suggestively setting off a gold confetti cannon from the side of his hip.

Nunes then switched places with the mascot, pretending to push him down into the chair before crouching down to dance.

As students cheered, Nunes grabbed a microphone and shouted, “What happens in Buhach stays in Buhach,” which received wild cheers from the crowd of students, some of which had gathered around the principal and the mascot.

“Hey these are your kids this is what they’re seeing, you guys get to see it too,” Attebery told ABC News affiliate KFSN-TV. “He might be [good] but weird is weird.

“They say like, ‘Oh, he’s trying to be funny,’ But like, if that’s you trying to be funny, just don’t be funny.

“Or he was trying to be cool with the kids, but that isn’t cool,”

The rally was Las Vegas-themed, according to Attebery and other parents on Facebook.

The video saw mixed responses from parents and students at the school with many left disgusted by the behavior.

“This is disturbing. Very suggestive,” one Facebook user commented on Attebery’s post.

“I don’t think it’s appropriate at all! My daughter is a freshman here and I heard all about it. Not cool,” a furious parent wrote.

“I would be livid if my daughter told me about this! It’s gross!” a third added.


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