Hezbollah is ready to launch a huge attack on Israel after a decade of evil plotting and building a miles-long tunnel network, experts have warned.

Analysts monitoring years of military activity in southern Lebanon warned that October 7 could soon look “like a picnic” if and when the Lebanese terrorists unleash hell.

Hezbollah’s tunnels are said to serve multiple purposes, including military operations, smuggling, and the storage of weapons.


A recent video posted by the terror group even revealed chilling snippets of hidden terror tunnel network from which missiles can be launched.

But the exact extent and current state of the underground networks are still not fully known to the public despite the eerie previews.

Lieutenant Colonel Sarit Zehavi, a former Israeli Defence Force intelligence analyst who has been studying Hezbollah for decades, told The Sun: “The risk has never been greater.

“Hezbollah has ten times the firepower of Hamas, with a total military force of 50,000 and up to 5,000 elite troops ready to storm across the border.

“They have built miles of tunnels connecting their forces and more attack tunnels to storm into Israel.

“They are cut into solid rock and bigger than the Hamas tunnels — some big enough to drive a truck through — with electric power and even air conditioning.

“But the biggest threat is posed by the sheer volume of their weapons arsenal. They have more than 200,000 rockets, guided missiles and drones.” Lieutenant Colonel Zehavi fears that Hezbollah may now have enough weapons to overwhelm the Iron Dome and David’s Sling air defences, which protect Israeli towns and cities.

“And once their attack starts, it could go on for months — at the same time as others from Iran, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and from Gaza and the West Bank inside Israel,” she said.

“All this is pointed towards us — we are already in a fight for our very existence.”

Zehavi — a mum-of-five who runs Israel’s Alma Research Centre studying the Hezbollah threat — has amassed huge files on the group through open-source online research.

Her work unearthed shocking footage which she says showed Hezbollah drew up the blueprint for the October 7 attacks ten years ago.

Video produced by the terror group simulated an attack by Hezbollah Radwan Force troops, who would storm across the border, killing and snatching hostages after fanning out across the north.

Zehavi told The Sun: “I watched video of the Hezbollah battle plan the day after October 7 and realised this was the template for what had just happened in the south.


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