(OPINION) A tech expert with a track record of predicting sea changes in the industry has made several eye-popping new forecasts in a new book.

Google’s Ray Kurzweil famously predicted the iPhone era and the fact that a computer would beat someone at chess by 1998.

In his new book, ‘The Singularity is Nearer’, Kurzweil predicts that humans fully merge with AI, becoming immortal cyborgs, by 2045.


He also predicts that advancements in AI will make it possible to resurrect loved ones and connect our brains to cloud technology, in what he calls the ‘fifth epoch’ of human intelligence.

The singularity is the idea that artificial intelligence (AI) will eventually surpass human intelligence, fundamentally changing human existence.

Kurzweil writes: ‘Babies born today will be just graduating college when the Singularity happens.

‘Eventually nanotechnology will enable these trends to culminate in directly expanding our brains with layers of virtual neurons in the cloud.

‘In this way we will merge with AI. These are the most exciting years in all of history.’

He says that recent breakthroughs in AI such as ChatGPT show that his 2005 prediction in his first book ‘The Singularity is Near’ was correct, and ‘the trajectory is clear’.

Kurzweil believes that AI technology holds the promise to ‘bring back’ the dead – at first in the form of simulations which replicate a person, then physically back to life.

Kurzweil’s attempts to ‘bring back’ his father – who died when Kurzweil was 22 – using AI began more than 10 years ago.

Kurzweil created a replicant of his father by feeding an artificial intelligence system with his father’s letters, essays and musical compositions.

He writes: ‘We are already creating through our digital activities enormously rich records of how we think of what we feel.

‘And during this decade our technologies for recording, storing and organizing this information will advance rapidly.’

By the end of the 2020s, Kurzweil expects ‘highly realistic’ non-biological recreations of people – and then living bodies.

He writes: ‘Eventually replicants may even be housed in cybernetically augmented biological bodies grown from the DNA of the original person.’

Kurzweil predicts that humans will move into artificial bodies ‘more advanced than what biology allows’ – and that by the 2040s, it will be possible to make a copy of a person.

Kurzeil says that we are about to enter the ‘fifth epoch’ of intelligence, where man merges with machines – triggered by the arrival of human-level AI and brain chips like Elon Musk’s Neuralink.

Kurzweil believes that in the years after 2029, human intelligence will multiply millions of times over by human beings connecting directly to machines. (READ MORE)


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