(OPINION) A recent poll revealed that a significant number of voters believe in conspiracy theories surrounding the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

According to the poll by Morning Consult, around one third of Joe Biden supporters and 12 percent of Trump’s own supporters believe the attack might have been staged and not intended to kill the former president.

The incident occurred during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where Trump was shot in the ear, and the shooter was then killed by a Secret Service sniper.


The poll also found that 20 percent of all voters find the theory that the shooting was staged credible, while 62 percent do not. The remaining voters were unsure or had no opinion on the matter.

The poll asked respondents about who or what they thought was to blame for the shooting, besides the actions of the shooter.

It revealed that 38 percent of those polled blamed Trump for creating a violent political atmosphere, while 29 percent blamed Biden. Additionally, 31 percent blamed the Republican party, and 25 percent blamed the Democrats for the violent tone of political discourse.


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