An apparent audio leak from what is said to be a previous interview has Senator J.D. Vance on a recording suggesting that women crossing state lines to obtain abortions should be stopped via “federal response.”

The clip features a voice that ‘resembles Vance’ speculating on an imaginary scenario: “Imagine Roe vs. Wade is overturned. Ohio outlaws abortion by 2022, maybe 2024.

Meanwhile, George Soros funds daily flights from Columbus, transporting predominantly Black women to California for abortions. The left would likely praise this as a triumph for diversity.


That’s rather unsettling, don’t you think?” Vance allegedly says in the clip. The voice in the video continues, “In such a scenario, would federal action be necessary to prevent it? It’s quite disturbing, and I must admit, I’m somewhat in favor of that.”

The account that posted the audio labeled it a “stunning leak” and criticized the Ohio senator for advocating a “federal response to prevent women from traveling from red states to blue states for reproductive healthcare.”

The full podcast is available here with a Patreon subscription. Vance’s past comments on abortion focused on uplifting his state’s six-week ban and denouncing mail-order birth control. He’s also publicly supported a national ban.

Not only is Vance literally inventing a scenario used to outrage listeners, he invokes George Soros as the abortion-providing boogeyman, a favorite antisemitic trope of the right-wing party.

Online backlash was swift, with many condemning Vance’s comments. Among the critics was Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut, who described the audio as “dystopian and frightening.”

“It’s not enough for them to dictate when women can have children or what healthcare they can access. Now they want to control where women can travel,” Sen. Chris Murphy wrote on X.



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