Central Texas has been beset by an unsettling increase in scorpion invasions this summer, more than past years.

Local pest control services have reported a rise in scorpion extermination demand. According to Alan Brown, a board-certified entomologist at ABC Homes and Commercial Services, this influx of scorpions is due to the increasing heat.

In a statement, Brown explained: “What’s happening now is it’s getting so hot outside, getting dry, they’re seeking a cooler place to go.”


However, the heat is not the only factor. Stringent rain showers this spring led to flooding that drove scorpions from their burrows to the ground’s surface, as Dave Moellendorf from Zookeeper Exotic Pets pointed out.

Under normal circumstances, scorpions find refuge under rocks to escape the heat. If they are perpetually searching for shade, they may confuse your home for a cool rock.

They are also tempted by damp spaces, which means you could uncover them in your swimming pool, toilet, or shower. Despite their lack of swimming skills, they float on water, as Arizona Central stated.

Sealing all cracks around your house is recommended to thwart them. Brown advised that most conventional pesticides are ineffective against arachnids like scorpions and suggested using a unique scorpion treatment to spray throughout your property.

Scorpions also lurk in trees, so pruning branches near windows or roofs can help prevent their entry.

Investing in a black light could be beneficial for those keen on spotting scorpions. Under such lighting, the creatures are known to glow in the dark, making them more visible.


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