Islamic terror outfit ISIS has threatened chilling attacks on the upcoming Paris Olympics in an appalling poster message.

The death cult posted a propaganda image showing one of its terrorists seemingly flying an “armed drone” to attack the iconic Eiffel Tower.

The poster, pushed by ISIS-linked social media channels, was captioned: “Lone wolves’ Olympics have begun with the Will of Allah.”


The chilling threat vaguely indicates there could be attempts to carry out lone-wolf-style terror attacks across Paris amid the upcoming games.

France is already on high alert amid a slew of vile threats made by Islamic terror outfits.

Just a few days ago, French counter-terror cops foiled a plot for an “Islamist-inspired” attack which was planned for during the Olympic Games.

The country’s domestic intelligence agency arrested 18-year-old Rokhman B. who is suspected of organising an attack on a football game in Lyon.

The Chechen immigrant to France is said to have wanted to disrupt games planned in Saint-Étienne, a city in the east of the country, and “die a martyr” by killing spectators or police officers.

France’s interior ministry said he had been detained for “actively preparing an attack against the Geoffroy Guichard stadium [in Saint-Etienne] during the football games that will take place there.”

An investigating source said: “His first attack has been foiled. “He is currently in custody and being linked to Islamist groups.”

The teenager was not known to the police and had moved to France with his family from Russia only last year.

He is believed to have already carried out reconnaissance on stadiums with police finding videos and pictures on his phone and laptop in support of ISIS.

During a search, anti-terror cops found a photo of the Saint-Étienne stadium on a computer, as well as videos.

Six football matches from the men’s and women’s tournaments are set to take place at the Geoffroy-Guichard stadium in Saint-Étienne between July 24 and 31 as part of the Olympics.

Paris Olympics chief promised a ring of steel at the opening ceremony amid fears it may have to be moved due to terror threats.


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