The lack of vetting of foreign nationals entering through the southern U.S. border could potentially lead to another 9/11-style attack, former FBI agent Chris Swecker said.

Swecker, a former FBI assistant director of the Criminal Investigative Division, explained that the lack of vetting could result in an increased vulnerability to such attacks.

Speaking Monday on “Morning in America,” Swecker referenced a recent incident of eight Tajikistan nationals with suspected ties to ISIS crossing the border and being released before being arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement authorities, emphasizing the need for improved vetting processes.


Swecker is one of two counterterrorism specialists sounding the alarm of a possible terrorist attack on United States soil — one they say could be worse than 9/11.

He and a first responder during the 9/11 attacks told the Daily Mail that they blame the large number of unvetted foreign nationals entering through the U.S.-Mexico border.

“Most people don’t realize, that terrorist organizations basically want to wipe our Western civilization,” Swecker said. Swecker experienced and analyzed terrorist organizations and tactics up close and personal when he was sent to Iraq in 2003.

“We’ve made great strides in intelligence, coordination between the agencies in an intelligence collection, and we’ve provided law enforcement intelligence agencies with a lot of tools. But that’s all for naught if we just let people come across the border, without any type of vetting whatsoever,” Swecker said.


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