A small group of anti-Israel protesters from a Florida chapter of Queers for Palestine blocked access to Walt Disney World Saturday — and were promptly arrested.

The keffiyeh-clad crew used their vehicles to block the Disney exit of Interstate 4 in Orlando, alleging that the company “supports genocide.”

The protesters held banners across the ramp and chanted, “Free free Palestine.” Some fed-up drivers were seen using the shoulder of the highway to go around the demonstrators — while one angry motorist got out of his car to confront them, video showed.


“You are losing people to your cause because of this … Think a little bit. You are causing people to actually hate you,” he yelled at a demonstrator filming him as they sat in a car after cops showed up, according to footage shared on X.

“Go f–k yourself. Forty-five thousand people dead,” the protester yelled before calling him a “genocide sympathizer.”

Nearly 35,000 Palestinians have been killed since Hamas’ attack on Israel on Oct. 7, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, which the terror group controls.

“This is not the way, do you understand that? Think a little bit!” the man rages before stalking off.

The protester’s video continued, showing cars finally moving along the highway. “No business as usual during genocide,” the organization wrote on Instagram during the blockade.

In addition to claiming that Disney supports Israel without “acknowledging the loss of Palestinian lives in the ongoing genocide,” Queers for Palestine also blasted the company for introducing an Israeli superhero in 2025’s “Captain America: Brave New World.”


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