Sometimes, you have to see it to believe it. And in rare cases, like this one, it freaks out observers watching. In the ever-expanding world of humanoid robots, a new star is rising, and its name is Astribot.

The Chinese company’s latest creation, the S1 model, is turning heads with its astonishing speed and precision.

Imagine a robot that can move at a blistering pace of approximately 32.8 feet per second and handle a payload of 22 pounds per arm. That’s Astribot’s S1 for you. It’s like watching a superhero in action. Only this one is made of wires and metal.


The S1’s capabilities are impressive—they’re record-setting. A video showcases the robot’s dexterity, as it performs tasks with such finesse that it can delicately shave a cucumber.

It can even engage in the art of calligraphy. That’s not all. It can also open and pour wine and flip a sandwich in a frying pan. And for those who hate ironing and folding laundry, the S1 does that, too.

The S1’s ability to mimic human movements sets it apart from other robots. This robot is a learner, an imitator, and a potential pioneer in robotics.

The questions it raises are as intriguing as its abilities. Does it have a lower half? Can it walk, or is it destined to remain stationary? These are the mysteries that have yet to be answered.

Founded in 2022 in Shenzhen, the Astribot maker Stardust Intelligence has roots that trace back to the Tencent Robotics Laboratory, Baidu, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, with its founder, Lai Jie.

The S1 took a year to develop and is expected to hit the market later in 2024. Its name, inspired by the Latin proverb “Ad astra per aspera,” reflects its journey and commitment to AI robot technology.



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