Norway, Ireland and Spain have recognized a Palestinian state in a historic move. Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris said on Wednesday it was coordinated with Spain and Norway, “an historic and important day for … Palestine.”

Several other European countries have in the past weeks indicated that they plan to recognize a Palestinian state, arguing a two-state solution is essential for lasting peace in the region.

Ireland, Norway and Spain have recognized a Palestinian state.


Several other European countries have indicated in recent weeks that they plan to recognize it, arguing that a two-state solution is essential for lasting peace in the region.

The Belgian government was discussing whether to join three other European nations in recognizing a Palestinian state at its weekly meeting on Wednesday. Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said that any recognition needed the right timing.

“You can recognize only once. So when we do it, it needs to come at the right moment when it has an immediate impact. I want an impact on two issues. I want an end to violence in Gaza. I want the hostages to be freed,” he told VRT network.

“The right perspective is: will it help the violence stop tomorrow?”

Belgium is in a delicate situation because it currently holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, which gives any decision it takes added diplomatic weight.

Meanwhile, Israel reacted with fury after three European countries said Wednesday they would recognize a Palestinian state, more than seven months into the devastating Gaza war.

Ireland, Norway, and Spain said they would formally recognize the State of Palestine on May 28.

Israel strongly opposes the move, arguing that it amounts to “rewarding terrorism” after the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched its unprecedented October 7 attack on Israel, which sparked the bloodiest-ever Gaza war.

Israel said it was recalling its envoys to Ireland and Norway for “urgent consultations” and was expected to do the same with its ambassador to Spain.

Foreign Minister Israel Katz charged that “the twisted step of these countries is an injustice to the memory of the 7/10 victims.”

Most Western governments, including the United States, say they are willing to one day recognize Palestinian statehood — but not before the agreement is reached on thorny issues like its final borders and the status of Jerusalem.

However, Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez charged that his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu’s campaign of “pain and destruction” in the Gaza Strip was now putting the two-state solution in “danger”.


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