“Jesus Christ” is said in many places, including church and Bible study.

But one mother in Tennessee said her 7-year-old son was written up in school for saying “Jesus Christ.”

Shonna Coleman said she got a call from her son’s first grade teacher telling her the boy had said a bad word that day.


“So we was like, ‘OK, so what did he say?’ And she said, ‘He said Jesus Christ,’” Coleman said.

The disciplinary notice from Hope Sullivan Elementary School dated Jan. 4 said “He said Jesus Christ when he dropped his LEGOs he was cleaning up from recess.”

The notice also checks off a box that said unacceptable language and another box that reads “Had conference with student.”

Desoto County Schools released a statement in response that said students within the district would not be reprimanded from simply saying “Jesus Christ.”

Although district officials said they cannot comment on specific student situations, they said it is possible that a student could be corrected for a disrespectful use of Jesus Christ’s name.


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