Scientists have found a golden orb-like object at the bottom of the ocean — and they admit they have no idea what it is. Researchers operating a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) spotted the shiny mystery roughly two miles deep off the coast of Alaska on Aug. 30.

A team from the U.S. government’s NOAA Ocean Exploration Department was left both confused and excited by the sighting. In footage from the find, a member of the Seascape Alaska 5 expedition crew is heard saying, “It’s like the beginning of a horror movie,” while another suggests, “I’m pretty sure this is how the first episode of the X-Files started.”

Upon spotting the object, the team made suggestions on what it could be, including a yellow hat, a face, an egg casing, or a dead sponge. Full video of the fascinating expedition, which shows a spectacular array of deep sea life, can be seen at the end of the post.
“It’s almost like it was a base and whatever it was on it fell off,” one researcher noted.


“It’s definitely got a big old hole in it, so something tried to get in or get out,” another team member added. Ultimately, the team decided to suck the specimen up with a special collection pipe and take it to a ship-based laboratory. Emily Crum of NOAA says the “orb” was successfully recovered and taken to NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer.

“I just received confirmation from the expedition coordinator on the ship that the orb remains a mystery,” Crum reported on Sept. 5. “Sounds as if they won’t learn more until after the expedition is over and they can take the specimen into a full lab setting.”

NOAA Ocean Exploration’s mission is set to last until Sept. 16. “During the expedition, the team will work to fill gaps in our understanding of the region by conducting focused mapping and remotely operated vehicle operations in waters deeper than 200 meters (656 feet),” the Seascape team says in a media release.


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