(OPINION) Harvest Christian Fellowship Pastor Greg Laurie tackled how Christians should live their lives in the End Times, describing his congregation as “last days believers.”

Laurie preached on Sunday the final message in a sermon series about the End Times, with him focusing in part on how Christians should act as the world gets worse before the rapture.

Laurie drew a parallel to the life of Noah, noting that the Bible periodically compares the End Times to the days of Noah, as recorded in the book of Genesis before the global flood occurred.


For his first point on how to live in the End Times, Laurie said, “God revealed secrets to Noah,” noting that Hebrews 11:7 says Noah was “divinely warned of things not yet seen.”

“Christians know things that the world does not know,” Laurie said. “People in the culture today don’t understand why things are unraveling. They don’t understand why government is expanding its control.”

“They don’t know why people are so depraved and do the horrible things that they do. They don’t know why culture is collapsing, but we do because we know we’re living in the last days.”

Laurie added that “even the basic Christian knows more than some of the great intellects in the world right now” because believers know that “man is bad and God is good, and we know judgment is coming to planet Earth.”

The second point that Laurie talked about was that “Noah had great reverence for God,” pointing to how Hebrews 11:7 said that Noah was “moved with godly fear” to build the ark.

“We need to have that reverence as well,” Laurie said. “We have read the last page of the Bible. We win in the end. We know this from the pages of Scripture.”

Laurie said that the third way to live in the End Times was to remember that “Noah walked with God when no one else did,” pointing to how Genesis 6:9 says, “Noah walked with God.”

“All of us should walk with God,” said Laurie. “To walk with God is to get into harmony with Him, it’s to stay in sync with Him. It’s not to run ahead of Him; it’s not to lag behind Him. You’re in rhythm with God.”

“Be on time for your appointment with God. Stay in sync with what the Lord is doing. When the Lord moves, you want to move with Him as well. Noah walked with God.”

For the final point, Laurie explained, “Noah was a witness for God,” telling his congregation that they are called to be a witness for Christ, even if they do not reach that many people in their witnessing.

“Did Noah reach a lot of people? Actually, he did not,” Laurie said. “Maybe you’ll only reach a handful of people. Maybe it will be your child or your grandchild. But Noah did reach his family.” (CONTINUE)


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