Israel will continue targeting senior Islamic Jihad terrorists as long as they continue attacking, a senior diplomatic source said Thursday, following the fatal rocket attack on Rehovot.

“In the last day, despite Egypt’s efforts to bring about a ceasefire, Islamic Jihad shot barrages toward Israel,” the source said. “In response, a fourth senior Islamic Jihad member, Ali Ghali, was assassinated, and the organization was seriously harmed.”

According to the Jerusalem Post, The attacks on Gaza, including targeted assassinations, will continue as long as the terrorists shoot rockets at Israel, the source said, adding, “Fire will be met by fire.”


According to the senior diplomatic figure, “The equation has changed,” and Israel will exact a price for terrorism from Gaza or the West Bank.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant held a situation assessment following the rocket strike on Rehovot that killed one man and wounded 10 people.

Israel and Islamic Jihad were close to a ceasefire on Wednesday, but Jihad made demands beyond stopping the attacks. Israel will only agree to an unconditional ceasefire with Islamic Jihad, diplomatic sources said, while an Egyptian delegation headed to Israel to continue to push for an end to Operation Shield and Arrow.

Israel will not release the body of terrorist and hunger-striker Khader Adnan as part of an agreement, nor will it commit to stopping targeted assassinations of terrorists, a senior diplomatic source said.

Rather, Israel will continue precision strikes on Islamic Jihad targets, including senior figures in the terrorist group, working slowly to gather intelligence and try not to harm bystanders, another diplomatic source said.

While rejecting other demands, Israel remained open to a ceasefire with Islamic Jihad on Thursday, following an aborted attempt the evening before.

It would not happen until the rockets totally stop, the source said, adding that “not even a drizzle” of rockets will be tolerated. A total ceasefire on Israel’s part would come when there is a total, unconditional ceasefire on the other side, the source said.



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