As a spiritual awakening moves among college students across the nation, one K-12 school in Tennessee says it’s also seeing a revival atmosphere spreading on its campus.

According to the Christian Post, Grace Christian Academy of Knoxville experienced an unplanned worship service on Friday where several middle school students held prayer, shared confessions and even made professions of faith.

A spokesperson for GCA told The Christian Post in an emailed statement on Tuesday that the gathering began with the school’s annual tradition of Discipleship Days.


The Discipleship Days seeks to have GCA students “enriched by God’s Word, grow in love for Jesus, and put their faith into action” by holding classroom discussions and activities, with the theme being “Know Him, Love Him, Love Them.”

Last Friday, after GCA concluded the worship service for their middle school students, many “felt compelled to continue their time of worship,” the spokesperson added. “Leadership pivoted any planned afternoon activities and allowed students to lead one another in song and prayer. This led to students repenting, confessing and seeking Christ.”

“God can speak in showers or waves, and at last week’s Discipleship Days, He decided to flood our campus with His presence,” GCA Upper School Principal Angie Nordhorn was quoted as saying in the statement shared with CP.

“As a tenured member of the GCA community, I only remember one other time, in 2010, when we experienced a profound demonstration of the Holy Spirit,” Nordhorn added. “I pray that the Lord will continue to flood our halls with His presence. Discipleship Days is only a ripple in the ocean of what can happen at GCA.”

The academy intends to continue disciplining students who made professions of faith and hold small group discussions in response to last Friday’s worship gathering, GCA added.

“We praise God that students’ lives have been transformed forever, and we have witnessed eternity-changing decisions through this schoolwide initiative,” concluded the statement.

Earlier this month, Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, became the epicenter of an ongoing spontaneous worship service, with many considering the gathering a new revival.

In the Christian tradition, revivals are often gatherings in which large numbers of individuals come together for prayer and worship, with many seeking forgiveness, confession and sometimes conversion to Christianity.

The revival at Asbury has continued for more than two weeks and has attracted thousands of individuals from outside the state and other countries, and has spread to several other campuses and churches nationwide.


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