The Air Force has relieved six leaders assigned to a North Dakota base in charge of nuclear missiles and bombers over a loss of confidence, the military branch said Monday.

Maj. Gen. Andrew J. Gebara, commander of 8th Air Force, relieved Col. Gregory Mayer of the 5th Mission Support Group and Maj. Jonathan Welch of the 5th Logistics Readiness Squadron, both based at Minot Air Force Base.

The Air Force didn’t identify the commanders, but an Air Force spokesperson confirmed their identities to Task & Purpose.”These personnel actions were necessary to maintain the very high standards we demand of those units entrusted with supporting our Nation’s nuclear mission,” said Gebara.


Mayer, Welch, and four subordinate leaders were relieved of command “due to a loss of confidence in their ability to complete their assigned duties,” the Air Force said. The Air Force did not specify why commanders had lost confidence in all six individuals.

The 5th Bomb Wing operates the B-52H Stratofortress aircraft, which is one of the two types of nuclear-capable bombers that the Air Force uses, the news outlet reported.


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