The federal Drug Enforcement Administration is out with an astounding statistic: federal drug agents have seized enough doses of fentanyl this year to kill every single American. The United States population right now is about 332 million. In 2022, U.S. fentanyl seizures by federal drug agents have been 379 million doses.

That is more than enough to kill every American, according to Drug Enforcement Administration officials who are pointing to that astonishing stat as they try to put a stop to an overdose problem in this country that the I-Team has been focusing on for years.

Fentanyl is a bonafide and effective painkiller when used by doctors. But when it’s mixed into street drugs and sold by the cartels, it’s just simply a killer.


“Fentanyl is killing Americans at record rates. Many of them didn’t realize they were taking the deadliest drug our country has ever seen,” said DEA Administrator, Anne Milgram.

Fatal overdose numbers so bad in Chicago that DEA Special Agent in Charge Robert Bell has talked with the I-Team numerous times this year alone about the deadly threat. (SOURCE)


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