Two American college students were outraged the other day when school officials forcibly removed the patriotic flags that they had hung outside their dorm room, even as pride flags outside other dorm rooms were left unmolested.

On Monday, the Twitter account Libs of TikTok shared a video, filmed by one of the unnamed students, showing a disgruntled woman climbing a ladder to remove the flags from outside a dorm room at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. Though some of the dialogue on the video is difficult to hear, the woman who removed the flags told the objecting students that they had already been warned about the flags.


“You were directed to take it down,” the woman said. The young men then continued to protest the removal of the two flags — a Gadsden “Don’t Tread on Me” flag and an American flag with colors indicating support for first responders — which they had hung outside their dorm window. Eventually, the frustrated woman ordered them to stop filming her.

“[P]ut your phone away,” she demanded. The students, however, refused to comply. “Absolutely not,” one student stated. “I have every right to record, and you know that. This is America. We have the First Amendment right to freedom of speech, freedom of expression. I don’t know why you’re taking our flags down.” When the students continued to argue, the woman directed them to take their grievances to the dean. (SOURCE)


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