An incredibile model showing how Jesus Christ may have looked has been unveiled in Spain. The hyper-realistic sculpture, which is made of latex, silicon, and real human hair, has been based on data collected from the famous Shroud of Turin.

The lifelike model even features all the wounds said to have been inflicted on the Messiah including cuts to its head where the crown of thorns is said to have been forced down upon his head.

The sculpture, which weighs 165.3 lbs and stands 5-foot-10, also features the wound inflicted on Jesus’ side by the Holy Lance and the numerous scratches to his body he is said to have sustained after Pilate ordered him to be whipped and mocked.


The Turin Shroud, first mentioned in 1354, has baffled scholars through the ages. Some believe the mysterious relic is the bloodstained burial cloth of Jesus after his crucifixion while others have argued that it is an elaborate fake.

The linen cloth appears to bear the image of the body of a man but scientists have struggled to agree on how old it is despite expert analysis. The first certain historical records of the Shroud date back to the 13th-14th century in France and a local bishop in 1390 called it fake.

The Catholic Church officially neither endorses nor rejects the Shroud. In 2018, researchers claimed the blood flow on the shroud was not consistent with that of what a bleeding body would produce.

Some sceptics even think the linen is a clever medieval fake. And now, viewers will be able to make their own minds up, as, after years of research, experts have designed a realistic body based on the Shroud.

The impressive creation went on display in Salamanca Cathedral, Spain, on Thursday, and it can be seen until December. After that, it is set to go on a worldwide tour, with exhibitions scheduled on five continents.

The organizers of The Mystery Man exhibition said: “This exhibition is a journey through the Art, Archaeology, and Science on the Holy Shroud that are shown for the first time together in this unique, [6,458-square-foot] exhibition.

“The main piece of the exhibition is a hyper-realistic and volumetric representation of the man in the Shroud, which was unveiled for the first time during the opening press conference.” Jose Luis Retana, the Bishop of Salamanca, said: “This morning in this cathedral, we are going to be the protagonists of what seems to be a worldwide success.” READ MORE


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