“Transformers” star Megan Fox raised eyebrows in January, when she revealed she and her now-fiancé recording artist Machine Gun Kelly “drank each other’s blood” during their engagement. She’s speaking about it more now. The 35-year-old celebrity opened up about the bizarre and concerning claim during a newly published interview with British Glamour.
“So, I guess to ‘drink’ each other’s blood might mislead people or people are imagining us with goblets and we’re like ‘Game of Thrones,’ drinking each other’s blood,” Fox told the magazine. “It’s just a few drops. But yes, we do consume each other’s blood on occasion for ritual purposes only.” She went on to share more jaw-dropping details, telling the outlet about her dabbling into the occult.
“I read tarot cards and I’m into astrology and I’m doing all these metaphysical practices and meditations,” Fox explained. “And I do rituals on new moons and full moons, and all these things. And so, when I do it, it’s a passage or it is used for a reason. And it is controlled where it’s like, ‘Let’s shed a few drops of blood and each drink it.’”
“He’s willing to just cut his chest open with broken glass and be like, ‘Take my soul,’” she said. When asked if that particular scenario has ever unfolded, Fox said, “It doesn’t not happen. Let me tell you, maybe not exactly like that, but a version of that has happened many times.” READ MORE