(OPINION) Evangelical pastor Franklin Graham has blasted Disney for having its morals ‘in the gutter’ while backing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in his battle with the firm.

Writing on Facebook Saturday, the hardline Christian told his 10 million followers he was glad the entertainment firm’s power and finances were being pounded after it came out against DeSantis’s so-called ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law. Graham said: ‘What has happened at Disney is a moral failure. Walt Disney had a vision for wholesome family entertainment. He was committed to the family.

‘The morals of the corporate leadership of Disney today are in the gutter, and they want to redefine family counter to God’s original design and flaunt sin.’ The son of late celebrity evangelist Billy Graham continued: ‘LGBTQ activists are using corporations to force their agenda on the public, and companies may want to take another look at what they are allowing to happen. Disney has gone too far.


‘The people of Florida have revolted, and it’s going to cost Disney big time. Disney had a special tax status in the state which they benefitted from in a huge way—but because they came out against the parents of Florida, the governor and legislators have revoked that status.’

He also said, “Thank God for Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is willing to take a bold stand. We need more leaders like him. God bless him and the Florida legislature.” Rev. Graham added, “I’m in Orlando right now with our Samaritan’s Purse ‘Operation Heal Our Patriots’ military veteran couples and it is absolutely beautiful!”

“I can tell you,” he added on Saturday, “there’s a TON of fun things for families to do here other than supporting Disney.” Gov. DeSantis signed a measure into law this past Friday evening that dissolves Disney World’s special governing power in the state of Florida after the company announced public opposition to a new parental rights law in the state.

At the bill-signing ceremony, DeSantis said Disney lied about the content of the state’s new “Parental Rights in Education” law — and he viewed the company’s vow to fight it as unacceptable. Speaking about Disney recently, a mother and grandmother in her early 60s who lives outside Boston, Mass., told Fox News Digital, “I gave up on Disney years ago when th


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