(OPINION) A week ago, Joel Osteen made headlines when it was revealed that a plumber discovered thousands of dollars stashed inside a bathroom wall at Lakewood Church. This week, the pastor is being blamed for a restaurant employee being fired.

TikTok user Nick Stanley, who goes by the username nickandsoph, claims he was fired from his restaurant job in Southern California after he posted a selfie video with Osteen, wherein he blindsided the pastor by asking him, “You know you’re a piece of s––t, right?”

The video went viral and now has over 9 million views. After Stanley insulted Osteen, Osteen can be seen walking away, smiling and chuckling. After Osteen is out of view, Stanley looks back into the camera and says, “He knows.” In a follow-up video explaining how he got the video with Osteen, Stanley is wearing a hat that says “be kind,” while again calling Osteen a “piece of s––t,” as well as a “monster.”


Stanley shared that he took the video with the famous pastor after he recognized Osteen in the restaurant he worked in. Stanley’s attention was drawn toward Osteen after he noticed people taking pictures and asking for autographs. In between working a double shift, Stanley walked up to Osteen outside the restaurant and said that Osteen was nice and happy to see him.

“I think that he thought that I was one of his fans,” Stanley explained. It didn’t take Osteen long to realize that Stanley wasn’t a fan after being called an unpleasant word. “I made the video the way I made it. It was kind of in the moment, so there wasn’t a whole lot of thought behind it. I just wanted to tell him what was personally on my mind, and that was exactly how I was feeling at the time,” Stanley said.

Stanley posted the video to TikTok a couple of weeks after it was taken, and it went viral within hours of being uploaded to the social media platform. “The next day, I went to work after I posted the video,” Stanley said. “I got fired, because Joel Osteen and his team harassed the restaurant and made sure that I was terminated.” READ MORE


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