China has warned that the world stands on the brink of a major war over Taiwan, as it continues to turn up the heat on Taipei and its Western allies.

The chilling warning comes in the wake of unprecedented incursions by Chinese fighter jets into Taiwan’s airspace. Between Friday and Monday, pilots from the People’s Liberation Army carried out 149 sorties into Taiwan’s Air Defence Zone, creating a new record in the process.

In an aggressive and belligerent editorial, the Communist Party-controlled Global Times accused Taiwan of engaging in “strategic collusion” with the US and Japan. It claimed that the current situation was “teetering on the edge of a face-off” and threatened “war may be triggered at any time.”


Taiwan’s Defence Minister, Chiu Kuo-cheng, said current tensions were the worst in 40 years. He also predicted that Beijing would be ready to launch a full-scale invasion of his country by 2025. The Defence Minister told the China Times on Wednesday: “By 2025 China will bring the cost and attrition to its lowest.

“It has the capacity now, but it will not start a war easily, having to take many other things into consideration,” Beijing claims Taiwan as a province of China and has vowed to retake it, by force if necessary. READ MORE


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