(OPINION) ETH – Burger King has announced it will donate a portion of the proceeds it receives from its new chicken sandwich to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest LGBTQ advocacy group in the U.S. In its announcement, Burger King targeted Chick-fil-A (CFA), which has been under fire again this week for its stance on sexuality.
Burger King introduced its new “Ch’King Sandwich,” on Thursday, June 3, the same day the company made the announcement that for every chicken sandwich sold, 40 cents will go to HRC. Burger King will donate up to $250,000 total, and the campaign will run from June 3 to June 30 in honor of Pride Month.
In its announcement, Burger King specifically mentioned that the donations apply “even on Sundays,” a comment clearly aimed at Chick-fil-A, which is closed on Sundays. Chick-fil-A is well-known for being a company that is driven by Christian values, one example being its decision to close on Sunday in observation of a Sabbath day of rest.
Christian values drive Chick-fil-A’s efforts at efficiency and hospitality, as well as the company’s decision to invest in ministry through the WinShape Foundation. In 2012, Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy drew heat for expressing his position that marriage is between one man and one woman when he said the U.S. was “inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.” READ MORE