(OPINION) ETH – The Biden administration has just granted authorization to fly LGBT pride flags alongside the American flag at U.S. embassies and consulates around the world according to a new report from TheBlaze. The rainbow flag — has long been a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender pride — will now be permitted to fly on the same official flagpoles that fly the American flag.

This new policy was announced by Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The report reveals that U.S. diplomatic outposts are given “blanket written authorization … to display the Pride flag on the external-facing flagpole, for the duration of the 2021 Pride season,” the cable said, according to ABC News.

The decision was made a little more than a month before Pride Month is celebrated in June and only weeks before International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia on May 17. According to the cable, the Biden administration recognized that the LGBT gesture could be seen as inflammatory in certain countries.


“The cable contained a hedge, though, saying the authorization is not a requirement and chiefs of mission who run each embassy or consulate can choose whether to fly the Pride flag or showcase other symbols connoting support for LGBTQ rights based on what is ‘appropriate in light of local conditions,'” as reported first by Foreign Policy.

“As a matter of policy, the United States does not advocate for or against same-sex marriage abroad,” the confidential cable reportedly stated, adding that American outposts are encouraged to back “efforts to advance the fundamental freedoms of opinion and expression, peaceful assembly, and association … Discussions of same-sex marriage may result in a backlash against LGBTQI+ communities in certain contexts hence posts should consult with local advocates on messaging and outreach on this issue.”

During his confirmation hearing in January, Blinken said, “I think the United States playing the role that it should be playing in standing up for and defending the rights of LGBTQ people is something that the (State) Department is going to take on and take on immediately,” At the time, Blicken also promised to quickly fill the empty position of LGBTI envoy, which he declared to be “a matter, I think, of some real urgency.”

“President Biden believes that America’s strength is found in its diversity. America is stronger, at home and around the world, when it is inclusive.” This was a statement made by the State Department.  “Recognizing that each country context is different, U.S. embassies and consulates develop individual plans to raise awareness of violence, human rights abuses, and discrimination targeting LGBTQI+ persons, including appropriate exterior displays,” the statement said.

Franklin Graham recently weighed in on the decision and blasted the Biden Administration’s decision stating:  “Just because something is ‘authorized,’ that doesn’t make it right,” Graham wrote on his Facebook page. “Why should a flag representing one group of people and a specific agenda be literally raised up above all others and allowed to fly at our embassies and consulates?”

Graham believes that the inclusion of the gay flag on the same pole as the American flag sends a bad message. “The embassies represent the United States of America on foreign soil—only the U.S. flag should be flown,” Graham said. “Not the gay pride flag, not the Christian flag, not any other flag.” “Our U.S. flag represents the sacrifice, the honor, the unity, the patriotism—and the blood—that made America great. Pray for our nation and our leaders,” Graham said.





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