OPINION (Express) – Richman Myambo, 47, from Chipinge, Zimbabwe was heading home before he claimed an unidentified flying object appeared out of nowhere. He said he spotted an unusual light in the sky, followed by a deafening noise.

In an interview with ZBC News, Mr. Myambo said the sound caused him to fall off his motorbike. He told the local news outlet: “I was traveling home on my motorbike at around 9 am when I witnessed a strange light traveling in the sky. “I tried to concentrate on riding, but what made me fall was the sound that followed after the light.

“I then fell off the bike due to panic. I thought I was dying.” Describing the UFO, Mr. Myambo said it looked like “a rocket with fire on its back”. He suffered a leg injury after falling off of his bike and is now recovering in the Chipinge District Hospital. Defending his vision, he said:


“I was 100 percent sober, but I was so confused because I thought I had encountered those strange things people see in dark and thick forests.” Other residents have supported Mr. Myambo’s account and said they saw the bright light followed by a loud, booming sound.

Last month, blogger Steve Douglass intercepted the radio transmission of an American Airlines flight from Cincinnati to Phoenix. The pilot of the flight said: “Do you have any targets up here? We just had something go right over the top of us. READ MORE


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