(The Sun) – Big Brother-like mass state surveillance is being developed by China with streets full of cameras that can monitor citizens’ emotions and track their “social credit” scores. The high-tech systems will also help people snoop and rat on each other from the comfort of their homes — or on the go with their smartphones.

The Communist regime’s nightmare-inducing plans involve installing spy cameras in all places and using artificial intelligence to calculate a person’s “social score” which will determine benefits or punishments. The sheer level of surveillance being planned is straight out of the dystopia created by author George Orwell in his book 1984, where the eyes of the state – Big Brother – are always watching you.

But now it is being made easy with 21st-century spy technology. It comes as privacy campaigners told The Sun Online that China’s success in developing technology not only threatens the human rights of Chinese citizens but people across the world.


Dahlia Peterson, the research analyst at Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology, told Sun Online: “China is developing an Orwellian-style state. “Domestically, the most frightening part is that many people inside China remain unaware of the true scope of surveillance, and still welcome it as a source of ‘security. READ MORE


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