(OPINION) CL – A woman who had been attending West Sparta Church of Christ in Sparta, Tennessee, received a letter at the end of February from three of the church elders. She shared the photo of the church discipline letter on Facebook. And it has since gone viral. Under the church’s letterhead and with the name of the recipient covered, here is the content of the letter:

For the last several weeks we have noted that you have stopped attending the assembly of the church. After attempts to discuss this situation with you, we fear that you are no longer convinced in the need to assemble with the church for which Christ died. We are very saddened by your decision.

This “failure to assemble” is not the only problem that you must address. We have been informed and understand that you have a living arrangement that is not Biblical and must be terminated immediately. This action alone reflects that you have not avoided “all appearance of evil” as the scriptures direct us. (I Thess. 5:22)


Please understand our obligation as shepherds. First, we must watch for your soul (Hebrews 13:17) and second, protect the congregation by withdrawing from every brother/sister that walks disorderly (II Thess. 3:6).

If these issues are not corrected and public repentance made by Sunday, February 21, 2021, we will withdraw fellowship.

The Elders

(redacted signatures) READ MORE


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