(WE) – With the United States waking up to the threat posed to the electric grid and electronics from cyber warfare, Russia is mastering systems that can already overcome the latest protections to keep the lights on, according to one of the nation’s leading experts.

The latest intelligence indicates that Russia has specialized a “super-electromagnetic pulse” weapon and warhead capable of traveling at Mach 20 that could put the U.S. in the dark with little notice.

Peter Vincent Pry, executive director of the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security, also said China has leapfrogged U.S. developments in electromagnetic pulse warfare.


What’s more, administration critics claim that President Biden’s decision to lift former President Trump’s ban on China’s involvement in the U.S. grid gives the communist foe a backdoor opening to attacking the nation’s electric supply.

“Washington’s impotence and irresolution will invite future, increasingly aggressive cyberattacks,” said Pry, who has worked with Congress, past administrations, the electric industry, and the Pentagon to prepare for an attack. He recently warned that the political turmoil in Washington is a “golden opportunity” for an EMP strike. READ MORE


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