(ETH) – A school board in North Carolina is reportedly considering the possibility of having the Ten Commandments displayed at or near the entrance of every school in the district according to a report from a local affiliate out of the state.

According to the Shelby Star, the Cleveland County School Board has agreed during a Dec. 14th meeting to draft a policy that would require the Decalogue to be erected “in a prominent place at or near the main entrance to all of our campuses.” The Ten Commandments represent a set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship that play a fundamental role in Judaism and Christianity.

The report states that the school board would like to see the Ten Commandments placed “in a prominent place at or near the main entrance to all of our campuses,” according to school board member Ron Humphries, who introduced the resolution. He went on to say that such a display would be permitted under a law enacted in the early 2000s by the state legislature. According to The Shelby Star:


“The law allows for school districts to place certain documents with “historical significance” to the United States, including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Mayflower Compact, national motto, pledge of allegiance, national anthem or preamble to the North Carolina Constitution.

The law also makes exceptions for displays that “exemplify the development of the rule of law,” such as the Magna Carta, the Mecklenburg Declaration, the Ten Commandments, or The Justinian Code.” Under the law, any display of the Ten Commandments would need to be accompanied by one of the First Amendment.”


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