(CBS Los Angeles) – The city of Pasadena will have volunteers walking city streets to ensure people are wearing face coverings. Volunteers will walk major streets around Pasadena to hand out masks to those who don’t have them and make sure those who do are wearing them.

Pasadena city spokesperson Lisa Derderian told CBSLA Thursday the Rose Bowl Loop has been an area of concern. Last weekend, code enforcement officers informed 75 runners on the Rose Bowl loop trail that they need to wear face coverings. “This is something that we need to take very seriously, our numbers are significantly increasing daily, hospitalization is going up, the data shows that we’re gonna need to shut down more,”

Derderian said. Derderian said about 60 signs reminding people to wear masks were taken down or vandalized this week. Meanwhile, a limited stay-at-home order took effect Friday for Pasadena. It prohibits all public and private gatherings and events with people from more than one household — except for faith-based services and protests.


Despite the stay-at-home order, Pasadena is the only city in Los Angeles County that still allows outdoor dining. Although the L.A. County Public Health Department banned outdoor dining last week, Pasadena is exempt from that order because it has its own health department, which chose not to enforce the ban. READ MORE


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