(OPINION) The Sun – An investigator found ‘indestructible debris not made by human hands’ at the ‘alien’ Roswell crash site, his private journals reveal. In July 1947, a UFO reportedly hurtled into the ranch in New Mexico – and the most famous alien legend of them all was born.

Soon after the military sensationally announced in a press release that the remains of a crashed flying saucer had been discovered in the desert. The following day, however, the statement was retracted, and it was said to be instead a damaged US Air Force balloon. The incident has become one of the most discussed and controversial UFO theories in history.

Jesse Marcel, an intelligence officer of the 509th Bombardment Group at Roswell Army Air Field, was tasked with investigating the crash. Now, more than 30 years on from his death on June 24, 1986, his grandchildren – Jesse Marcel III and John Marcel – claim he was ‘ordered’ to deny what was actually discovered at the crash site.


Speaking to the Daily Mail, his grandson Jesse Marcel III said: “He was made to be the fall guy. “He was the head of intelligence in Roswell, New Mexico, and followed his orders. “In essence, he was at the heart of the story and heart of the conspiracy or cover-up.” The wreckage was first discovered by WW ‘Mac’ Brazel, who spotted ‘odd pieces of metal and debris’ scattered across Foster Ranch. Jesse Marcel III said: “Even animals had a sense about whatever it was and did not want to go around it. READ MORE


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