(DM) – The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has designated the airspace around the area of Friday’s bombing in downtown Nashville as a ‘national defense airspace,’ threatening ‘deadly force’ to any aircraft that poses a possible security threat.

The FAA issued an alert on Friday night stating that an area of one nautical mile would be zoned off, along 2nd Avenue street where the explosion took place. ‘Pilots who do not adhere to the following procedures may be intercepted, detained, and interviewed by law enforcement/security personnel,’ the alert reads. Civil penalties may be imposed by the FAA,

which may also suspend or revoke airmen certification if pilots don’t adhere to the restrictions. In addition to the penalties from the FAA, the U.S. government ‘may pursue criminal charges’ or ‘deadly force’ against the airborne aircraft if it is determined that the aircraft ‘poses an imminent security threat.’


The restriction is valid until 4.45 pm on December 30. The FBI is probing whether Nashville’s Christmas Day bombing was deliberately designed to target police officers after they were lured into the area prior to the massive explosion. The blast – which injured three people and caused massive damage to the city’s downtown area – emanated from a white RV parked on 2nd Avenue at 6.40 am Friday. READ MORE


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