(Christian News Network) – A church in Canada that had been fined more than $32,000 for holding drive-in services, which have been banned in red COVID zones, has been denied relief from the public health orders that prohibited its activities.

“These orders necessarily restrict rights … in order to prevent death, illness and the overwhelming of the public health system in Manitoba,” Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench Chief Justice Glenn Joyal ruled on Saturday, according to the CBC. “I do not believe that the applicants meet their burden of showing that [the church] will suffer irreparable harm if the injunction is not granted.”

The current restrictions, which are in place through Dec. 11, prohibit gatherings of “more than five persons at any indoor or outdoor public place or in the common areas of a multi-unit residence.” Religious gatherings must be held virtually, as “churches, mosques, synagogues, temples and other places of worship must be closed to the public while these orders are in effect.”


However, Springs Church in Winnipeg believes the ban on drive-in services is unreasonable as church members remain in their cars with their windows rolled up and are not in contact with one another. Participants are not even allowed to exit their vehicles to use the restroom. Pastor Leon Fontaine notes that residents are, conversely, freely allowed to exit their vehicles and walk into the local grocery, liquor or cannabis store.

“[W]e have to ask ourselves why the government has deemed it unsafe for Manitobans to drive to their place of worship with their windows rolled up for the entirety of a service and practice their faith,” he said in a video statement on Wednesday, noting that other provinces in Canada make allowance for drive-in services. READ MORE


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