(OPINION) ETH – A new poll recently revealed what many had already concluded and that is the gross mistrust of news and media and what they are reporting to the American people. A new Gallup poll revealed this week that over 60% of those polled don’t believe that the mainstream media providing fair and accurate reporting and it is not just Republicans who have long had problems with the nation’s TV and newspaper outlets — keeping the media’s numbers low.

According to the findings of this poll, Independents also have trust issues with the media — as do a fair share of the country’s Democrats. The poll showed that only 40% of U.S. adults admit to having “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of trust and confidence in the media to report the news “fully, accurately, and fairly.”

And 60% of adults say they have “not very much” trust or “none at all.” Of the four options on the level of trust — “a great deal,” “a fair amount,” “not very much,” and “none at all” — a plurality of respondents (33%) chose “none at all.” The overall trust in media (40%) is shockingly the lowest it has been since 2016 when it dropped to 32%. And it hasn’t been above 50% since 2003.



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