(OPINION) ETH – A man who goes by the name of Edward recently shared a powerful testimony of seeing Jesus the Son of God after sharing a fatal heart attack in 2020 only to come back from the dead.

According to Edwards’s testimony, the incident took place in midtown Manhattan Park, in New York, where Edward claims his heart began to hurt and found it difficult to breathe. He then laid down on the grass and felt a strong and painful force pulling him down.

Edwards claims: “It felt as if it was trying to drag me to hell. But It seemed a million times stronger than gravity itself. “I started fighting this force by moving my body/soul left to right and trying to escape from its grip. “I noticed that the more I fought this force, the more the pain increased.


The pain was unbearable.” It was then Edwards realized that he had died and had entered a “spirit realm” and says that “The afterlife is so real that it makes this world seem fake. “I figured that I had no other option but to just give up.”

Edward then looked up and was overwhelmed by a light that appeared to be staring right at him. He said: “The light was 10,000 brighter than the Sun, yet I could look straight at it. The light was literally made of love. “Everything I ever wanted was with the light and the light was Jesus Christ himself. I just knew it was him.” The man was then resuscitated and recalls being taken to the hospital.


  • End Time Headlines

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