(OPINION) Charisma – Back in 1988, Bill Wiese had what he calls “a supernatural vision” of hell. It scared him so much that he has spent much of the rest of his life telling the story and informing others about hell’s awful realities.
Bill shares with his wife, Annette, on a recent episode of the 23 Minutes in Hell podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network that all believers need to know more about hell. The worst part about his vision, he says, was the understanding God gave him that “you will never, ever escape this. That’s what He wanted me to experience,” Bill says.
“But heaven is forever also, and nobody has to go to this place. God gives them a free will to choose, and He’s trying throughout their whole life to keep them out. He warns them every which way to get their attention. But He gives them free will.”
Annette says people have pointed out the Luke 16 passage, where the rich man asked Abraham to send Lazarus back to earth to warn his brothers. “Abraham said they wouldn’t believe even the dead returning. So some have asked Bill, so why would God send you?” Annette says.
“I don’t fit that scenario for two reasons. No. 1, I wasn’t dead. I’m not coming back from the dead; this was just a vision. And No. 2, I’m not telling anyone to look at me and be persuaded. I’m just a signpost to point them to the Scriptures. … That’s all that matters is the Word of God.” READ MORE